
KichijojiKaigi #9 (formerly Kichijoji.rb)

Wed, 10 Feb 2016 19:00 - 21:00 JST

PicoPico Cafe

Kichijoji Minami-Cho 1-11-2 Momiji-Building 8F, Musashino-shi, Tokyo, Japan


Join us for the 9th Kichijoji.rb meetup -- now renamed KichijojiKaigi-- at PicoPico cafe in Kichijoji. The change of name is part of our effort to broaden the scope of the event beyond Ruby-related topics.

Show & Tell

Pico-8 port to the RaspberyPI by @zep (Joseph White)

@zep will demo his pico-8 port to the RaspberryPI

VR Applications by @rramsden (Richard Ramsden)

@rramsden will demo some VR applications (OculusVR) he's created and discuss the challenges of creating applications for virtual reality.

As always, coffee and soft drinks available (500 yen).

Post any questions/ideas/etc. to the KichijojiKaigi Gitter room.

About this community



Monthly gatherings in Kichijoji, Tokyo, to discuss technology and anything else remotely programming/technology related.

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